Law & Order: UK 2009

Crime Drama Mystery

UK version of the long-running U.S. TV drama that tells the stories of two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the attorneys, who prosecute the offenders.

Tous les titres
  • UA: Law & Order: UK Law & Order: UK
  • BE: Londres, police judiciaire Londres, police judiciaire
  • BR: Lei & Ordem: Reino Unido Lei & Ordem: Reino Unido
  • HR: Zakon i red: UK Zakon i red: UK
  • EE: Seaduse nimel: UK Seaduse nimel: UK
  • FI: Den hårda lagen: London Den hårda lagen: London
  • FI: Kova laki: Lontoo Kova laki: Lontoo
  • FR: Londres, police judiciaire Londres, police judiciaire
  • FR: London District London District
  • IE: Law & Order: London Law & Order: London
  • PT: Londres: Distrito Criminal Londres: Distrito Criminal
  • RU: Закон и порядок: Лондон Закон и порядок: Лондон
  • ES: Londres: distrito criminal Londres: distrito criminal
  • UA: Law & Order: London Law & Order: London
Date de sortie 06 Oct 2010
Lien IMDb
